Memandangkan tuntutan career masing2 menghadkan masa utk kami
hangout together dgn kerap, jadi aktiviti sebegini
really drifts a memorable moment to all of us...
Tarikh: 6 Feb 2012 a.k.a public holiday in Malaysia...
Partners in crime: Marlina, Mahizan, Maisarah, Me myself
This trip is like the first and last overseas trip to us because everybody starts to 'change' status this year... hhahaha... Luckily, we manage to set this trip... Thank you Allah.
Some notes to that trip. Sharing is caring... Weeeee...
On the 5th, ovenite at Putrajaya Precint 16 Marlina's home sweet home... and of course with Mai n Izan... Sempat la cit cat and pillow talk sbb dh lama gilerr enggak ketemu...
Gerak ke LCCT dlm kul 4 lebih.. hahaha.. gigih kan... ape lg ofkos naek 'BMW' Marlina...
Kalau nk g jenjalan boleh jer kan bngn awal pg.. kul4 dh siap2 hokehhh.. cer kalau g keje.... hampehhh laaaa kul 7 pon belum tentu larat bukak mata... ahhahaha...
Pas setel sume urusan yg ptt, we olls pon check in, mmg senafas jer la sbb masing2 hand luggage jer pon... x payah nk gigih sgt la kan.. hikhik...
Imigresen > passed.. yeay!! x kene blacklist hokehhhh....
Yg bestnye sangkaan we olls sgt meleset hokehhh... Ingat xde orang sgt... Woah ramainye manusia yg ingin ke Singapore... Long Q derrrr.... Dh terbayang dh Q yg panjang di USS nnt... tp ape nak buat REDHA...
Flite to Singapore only took about one hour.
First impression, bilerr smp di
Changi Airport, wahh airport cantik, moden... like2... TAPI dlm bnyk2 perkara yg positif itu ade jugakk ler yg cacat nye sket...
Facial expression pegawai Imigresen Singapore sgt mengeciwakan.... Huh! mcm bagus sgt lerr
attitude cmtu kan... hotfm sekejap... Potong mood betull... Sabar jer la... Front liners kot,
not suppose to have that kind of attitude... It represents the whole country ok... Haishhh, ok la enough on that... Lesson to all too...
Apart from that, others are all marvelous...
Public transport, in this case MRT superb... I am so impressed with the system that they have. Very systematic.The best part is, siap boleh refund duit bile kite return the MRT ticket... Nice kan?? Not saying that I am not proud to be Malaysian, just that Malaysia needs to do something and move forward. Bende yang baek haruslahh diikuti... Bende yang buruk tinggal2kan... hikhik...
I guess that's it on my journey to Kota Singa. Let's focus on my experience to taman tema USS...
Fyi, we olls antara guests yg terawal la yg sampai kt gate USS tu... Best2, sbb nampak orang xramai sgt... konon jer la hokehhh sbb x nampak lg brp ramai lak yg dh msk before kitorang...
We start dgn amek schedule sheet yg diedarkan x jauh dr entrance gate... senang nk catch up show yg menarik nnt...
Pastu ape lagi, serbu game laa... kitorang mula dr kiri iaitu Madagascar, Far far away, Jurassic Park, Mummy, almost sume laa except for roller coaster n transformers sbb exhausted sgt k... hahaha... nk patah kaki den setelah seharian all out...
Only Marlina naek roller coaster cylon tu... yg lain 'berani' sgt ok... hingga sanggup menunggu beg shj di bawah.... hahahah...
Our experimental journey in USS ended with Hollywood... Nice... Mcm2 ada... sesuai la utk kitorang yg sgt penat dan sakit kaki neyhh... jalan2 n cuci mata sajer... took pictures n shopping2 sket...
Candylicious tidak dilupakan... before we go out from USS, singgah sebentar layan cokelat chumel di Candylicious... aduhh, dh la lapar tgk cokelat2 di situ mmg tempted bangettt....
Lastly, we departed from USS bout 6pm, dinner at Viva Mall and took MRT back to Changi Airport...
Even though flite to KL delayed, trip to USS nih mmg best dan meaningful to us... Hope can be there once again... Tired yet we really really enjoy the trip...
Looking forward a different trip next.. heheheh
Now, you guys may enjoy the pix... lol =)
Anyone who wanna repeat the trip to USS? Don't forget to invite me.... I nk itottt.. =)
Just arrived Changi International Airport, should take skytrain to T3 then take MRT to Harbour Front Station...
Take Skytrain to MRT
Ingatkan bile not public holiday in Singapore n weekdays some more, tidaklah perlu menunggu lama... Sekali cer tgk wait time di bawah... Ketaq gak lutut kot nk tunggu turn.. huhuhu...
Lame hokehh kene tunggu kalau nk naik Cylon neyhh... |
Roller coaster ini not suitable utk sy yg gayat terlebih nih... huhu |
Shopping jgn x shopping.... |
chumellnyerrrr.... |
Mr bola bola.... |
Actually, kt candylicious neyhhh cannot take picture... tp nk wat caner kan... dh ter 'snap'... I'm sorry... sengaja sebenarnya... huahuahua....
candylicious... yummehhh